Draco the Juggler

Professional Juggler & Entertainer

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The Diabolo Trainer App

I am in the process of developing my own instructional juggling app. Currently it is in the early alpha stages and not yet released on the mobile markets. Here are some sneak peak screenshots.
Coming soon to Google Play and Apple App Stores.

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App Privacy Policy

The "Diabolo Trainer" App in no way or form collects or uses your data through any means. App settings are stored locally on the device to be used for displaying translations and to remember which tutorial screens have already been displayed.

When the app asks for permission to "Record Audio", the audio recorded is not saved or uploaded by any means. Instead the audio is used to track when the user says key keyword commands in the app (i.e. "start", "stop", etc) when doing practice exercises so as to not have to press the onscreen buttons.